Saturday, 30 November 2013


Peanut is 8 months old! 8 MONTHS OLD!!  How did this happen? Where did the time go? How is she all of the sudden only happy if she is standing, or demanding to be "finger walked?" How did she finally get enough muscle to hold those chubby cheeks of hers up in a smile? And when did she get so much personality? She is already a little trouble maker, grabbing (she's ninja quick) everything within arm's reach. She loves tubby time and if we are upstairs, finger walking her, she always leads us to the bathroom, right to the tub.The whole walk is filled with squeals of joy and ends when she is leaning against the tub (licking it ofcorse) bouncing up and down!!
As far as "solids" go..well, I'm not as diligent with Payton as I was with Ryder. Some days she gets 3 meals a day of "solids" other days, she gets nothin' but boob...part of it is because we always seem to be rushing off on adventures and boobs are just faster and part of it is because I am reluctant to give up our special quiet time together......anyway, clearly she is not suffering.  :)
Scout and I had a photoshoot for Payton's 8 month birthday....I love this girl!
 Yes, both Scout and Payton are licking the sign....
 Uh oh...she's discovered she's wearing a head band...
 ...she's discovered she might be able to get the headband off.....
 ..if not "off" at least off her head....

 I put it back on for one more good pic....

We've been practicing "Payton, how big are you?" to which we encourage her to raise her arms and respond with "this big!" He he, ofcorse she's not saying, "This big" yet, but she can put up her arms!!!! 
She's not really standing either, she's propped up between Scout and the bed.  She'd love to be able to stand on her own and she's close, but it's not happening quite yet.....

Kiss your babies, count your blessings and don't blink!!

Sunday, 24 November 2013



 Yesterday, we went to visit our neighbours. They just had a baby three weeks ago and we were invited over to get some newborn baby love. Ofcorse the conversation turned to, "Who does she (little baby Presley) look like? Her Mom or Dad? It was decided that she difinitely looks like her Dad.  When we got home, I asked Ryder who he thought our baby looks like, Daddy or Mommy? Ryder thought for a second and answered with a very honest, "She looks like ME!"  We laughed because it's true!! I mean if you look at the above pics and imagine that Ryder had more hair or Payton has less, they look a lot alike...he was chubbier at this age, though people always ask, "Was Ryder this chubby?" Yep, yep, he was! :)

Ryder has a crazy love for his little sister and he ALWAYS has to be hugging her, picking her up or touching her.  If I take my eyes off them for one minute he's got her under the armpits dragging/carrying her across the floor.  She seems to love every second of it...until he lets go of her and bonks her head. (I try not to let that happen...very often LOL)

Today, I took Ryder to the Farm to see Uncle Dirt and left Payton napping at home with Marty. I guess she woke up shortly after we left, so she and Daddy had a few hours together. Payton was in the high chair when we got home, but once she took one look at Ryder she started kicking her legs and waving her arms and giggling like crazy. I took her out of the chair and let her and Ryder have a little reunion. I think she really missed him. They couldn't stop giggling at each other! Warmed my heart!!

These two are tight!!!

   (The neighbour's passed on to us a box of clothes from her Mom. They were clothes she had dressed the neighbour's brother in 25 years ago!! Talk about vintage! We thought these sweaters were pretty funny!! LOL)

The only time Ryder does not want Payton around is when he is playing playdough. He does not like her eating his playdough and he does not like her touching his trucks. He has become obsessed with playdough. I mean I am commissioned to make "roads" and "Monster Truck jumps" starting at 8 in the morning every morning!! I remember playing with playdough as a kid, but I don't think I ever made monster truck jumps out of it. Every truck he has has gets burried in playdough up to it's axles!
This morning (not sure why it's underling, but I'm just gonna keep writitng as I'm too frustrated to fight with Blogger...) I tried and tried to convince Ryder to put the playdough away because it was a beautiful day and there were things to do OUTSIDE and playdough would be here when the sun stopped shining!It was a fight, but eventually, he agreed and we had the best time, tobogganing,

 watching tobogganing, swinging,

 and riding Uncle Dirt.
 We met some friends out at the farm. Ryder is pretty good at sharing Uncle Dirt. Here the three kids are all leading him out to pasture together at the end of our visit! I love how patient my old boy is with these little cuties!
 When the sun isn't shining, I am sometimes able to bust the playdough obsession with activites like baking,
 and taking selfies!!

I guess I don't have to worry about what we'll do all winter long inside the house. As long as I can keep up with the playdough making demand (Thank God, Mom passed down the BEST playdough recipe ever) we'll be just fine!!!

Kiss your babies, count your blessings and if you are stuck inside with two small children all winter, just make playdough. Lots and lots of playdough!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Grampa and GG came to visit for the long weekend. Ryder couldn't wait to show them how fast he can go on his blue sled!

Once he discovered how much faster the saucer sled was than the toboggan, he made everyone else ride the toboggan. LOL
 I made him share the sled with me though!
 Payton didn't miss a minute of Grandparent time.

There were lots of snuggles over the weekend. Snuggles with Grandparents,
 snuggles with dogs and Grandparents,

Daddy snuggles
 and adorable naked smiles...(naked baby smiles, not naked Grandparent smiles) LOL
 There was a trip to the zoo

and a trip to a restaurant

 and lots of time at home just smiling at Grampa and GG.

I didn't get any pics, but Grampa spent a lot of time playing trains with Ryder (Ryder actually let him set up the train tracks on his "truck table.") GG also learned how to make Monster truck jumps out of playdough.

The best thing though, was how much Grampa was able to help Marty build the big play structure and "club house" we were given from some friends. First they had to take it apart, then haul it to our house and rebuild it. They were able to get it all reconstructed within a couple of afternoons! Yippeee!  Oops, looks like I don't have a picture of the completed project..I'll have to get one! It's awesome!

Thanks Grampa and GG for the visit! 

Kiss your babies, count your blessings and snuggle a lot!