Lovin' his "McQueen" sled!!
Helmet for safety!
Daddy even took Payton down for a couple runs!
Tuesday, after Family Day Monday was a very exciting day for Ryder. See, for over a month now, Ryder has been doing "chores," we call them "Family Responsibilities" to earn money. I know, I know, kids shouldn't be paid for doing things to contribute to the Family...everyone has an opinion on how to handle "chores" and "money" but we decided to get a magnetic "Responsibility Chart" and we decided to pay Ryder a quarter every night, if he completed his responsibilities. When we started this responsibility chart, we explained to Ryder that he would be able to save his money until he had enough to buy whatever he wanted. I doubt that when we explained all of this to Ryder that he had any idea what saving money meant, or how much it would take to buy anything, but he smiled and nodded and declared that he was going to save up to buy Ripslinger, a die cast airplane from the movie planes. That was 40 days ago! He never changed his mind. He kept his eye on the prize and when he finally had 40 quarters all saved up, I took him to buy Ripslinger. To help him have a visual of how many quarters he would need I created a cardboard chart with 40 quarters traced on it. At the end of every week, we'd tape his quarters to the cardboard until he had filled in every circle! When we taped that last quarter on the chart, Ryder was sooo proud!!
It took 40 days, but Ryder learned to save money, to set a goal and he finally reaped the reward of that patience and hard work.
We ended up at the Disney Store as Walmart was sold out of Ripslinger and so was Toys R Us. Ryder immediately located Ripslinger. There were a lot of other planes and toys in the Disney Store, but Ryder was not tempted by any other toy. He picked Ripslinger, and headed for the line to pay. He had his quarters in a ziplock baggie and he handed the whole baggie to the clerk. He was sooo proud...and so was I!
When we got home, Ryder couldn't wait to show Marty his new plane and it has hardly left his hands since! Infact, Tuesday night, he insisted that Ripslinger and Dusty (the plane he got for Christmas) should be tucked into their bunks. I asked where the bunks were. He matter of factly said:"next door with the towels." I looked at him confused and then followed him as he opened the linen closet and put his planes to bed with the towels! LOL (He has actually done this every night since bringing Ripslinger home.) YOu should see him wake them up in the morning. He opens the door, starts singing, "Skinna ma rinky dinky dink, skinna ma rinky do, I love you" (that's what we sing to Payton when we wake her up) and then he asks them, "how was your sleep boys?" Hilarious and sooo sweet! This whole thing has been quite a positive learning journey for Ryder and for us. He has decided to save up for El chupacabra next.
As for Payton, we are proud of her too!! She is such starting to walk! She will let go things and just start walking! It's crazy!! She's not even 11 months yet! She walks best while she is clapping, so you can imagine how adorable it is to see a proud, chubby little toddler toddling along clapping her hands with a huge grin on her face! I wish I could post a video, but that's not going to happen tonight......
She is just so stinkin' cute!!! She's also a handful of trouble!!! She does not sit still! She is constantly on the move and if you happen to leave the lid open on any toilet, she will have her hands swishing around in it before you remember that you've forgotten to shut it! She will find any cup or glass of water in her reach and dump it all over herself and she insists on smearing her hair with all food!! She is full of spirit and independence and joy!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both of my children are loud, busy and a little bit crazy! I love it! They are just like their parents! ha ha!! My maternity leave is quickly coming to an end, and I will miss spending all day, every day with these busy little cuties, but if I'm 100% honest, I have to say, there is also a teeny, tiny part of me looking forward to going back to work, so I don't have to work so hard! LOL
Kiss your babies, count your blessings and keep those toilet lids closed!!!!!!!!